Position yourself as a voice of the industry expertise by hosting and moderating the session.
Share your expertise and present an exclusive case-study or innovative project to the Industry.
Get in front of your target audience by sponsoring the Delegate Login Cover page!
Full front page banner on the login page along with Company logo and description on event website.
Make a lasting impression on the industry Experts and Leaders; make your target audience remember you event after the conference!
Modify the event platform with your company’s theme.
Host a One on One meeting with your targeted prospects and be in the limelight.
Discussion on 1 table with 1 person via video chatting option.
Exhibition Booth along with Company logo and description on event website
Opportunity to provide delegates with company e-brochure, etc.
Opportunity to provide short 1-2 minute video for the breaks which could either be a corporate presentation or technology demo.
This will allow you to provide a short 1-2 minute video/content for play during the conference break.
In addition, your company will be mentioned by the Conference Session Chair and you will receive one free delegate pass for your colleagues.